Monday, May 28, 2007


Wake Up! Of all the knowledge available to human society, perhaps the most valuable, least known, and most overlooked, is the Transformational possibilities within the human being to choose his own inner state of being, and thereby the general outlines of his entire life. This blog site is dedicated to dialoging, sharing, and exploring the ideas, knowledge, tools, and methods of realizing these Transformational possibilities. I am hoping it will develop into a forum, which will be used and valued by numerous individuals with these general and specific interests. It is intended to be light, rather than heavy. I have even been known to refer to myself as a “Sillyosopher,” rather than a philosopher, because I have learned that genuine, effective, transformational work, is enjoyable, light, and pleasant, or it is not effective. If it is heavy and serious, it is just re-solidifying all the old patterns and structures, which genuine transformation leads to weakening and even dissolving.

So enjoy, have fun, be light, and contribute to this most valuable undertaking for all who choose to participate-- Wake Up!