Monday, May 28, 2007


Wake Up! Of all the knowledge available to human society, perhaps the most valuable, least known, and most overlooked, is the Transformational possibilities within the human being to choose his own inner state of being, and thereby the general outlines of his entire life. This blog site is dedicated to dialoging, sharing, and exploring the ideas, knowledge, tools, and methods of realizing these Transformational possibilities. I am hoping it will develop into a forum, which will be used and valued by numerous individuals with these general and specific interests. It is intended to be light, rather than heavy. I have even been known to refer to myself as a “Sillyosopher,” rather than a philosopher, because I have learned that genuine, effective, transformational work, is enjoyable, light, and pleasant, or it is not effective. If it is heavy and serious, it is just re-solidifying all the old patterns and structures, which genuine transformation leads to weakening and even dissolving.

So enjoy, have fun, be light, and contribute to this most valuable undertaking for all who choose to participate-- Wake Up!


David Peterson said...

Welcome Joe. Good start. I may not be a big poster but I will be there lurking. This blog will be a great contribution to the innernet.

Joe Bankhead said...

Hey David,
Glad to have you aboard. Word is gradually getting out to folks we hope will be interested in the subjects of this site. Please pass the word to anyone you think might be interested. To all of you reading this post, please jump in and share your experience and information about the Transformational Journey, anything at all is a contribution.

Unknown said...

marvelous idea - "there is a new species arising on
the planet. It is arising now, and you are it" -
Conscious Love leads to freedom - and conscious love begins by knowing who I am - individulized expression of God - no seperation from the Father -(Spirit), (X). free to experience life being lived thru us.
blessings, lana

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
silvercity said...

Very nice Commander. See you on the Open Seas.

Paully said...

Good job, Joe...I like the pink; is it symbolical in a sillyophic sense?

Commander, huh? Well, command away...

James Westly said...

Hey Joe,
A beautiful beginning. For me, Conscious Love and Freedom experientially arise from a state of single mindedness. When one defrags their consciousness and achieves a moment of Total Presence these qualities naturally emerge and the Moment is Transformed from the ordinary into the Extraordinary.

Reijo said...

Well done Joe and good luck with the new venture!

I was thinking of starting a blog, but now that you have done it I will join you.


Roger Greenawalt said...

Hi Joe:

Great Idea. Look forward to participating.

All the Best,


Joe Bankhead said...

WAKING UP--"Being awake" is not the same as thinking about, reading about, talking about, writing about 'being awake.' Being a least somewhat "awake" or "conscious," seems to be an integral part of experiencing "Conscious Love," and "Conscious Freedom." So it would seem any efforts at "self-observation" to become acquainted with what is really going on with the "self" and what it any obstacles might be keeping me from being more "awake" more of the time, would prove extremely valuable. The side benefits from doing the "work" of self-observation, Self-Remembering, or other efforts along these lines, appear valuable almost beyond description. And the "effort" may be real effort in the beginning, it soon becomes "effortless effort." Make it a light enjoyable experiment, which seems to be the most effective approach.
Be well, friend

P.S. Many thanks to all of you who have already blogged on to this site, and to others who sent me e-mail messages indicating and intention to do so.

James Westly said...

There's always a payment. The payment for awakening is giving up one's addiction to thought. Self-Observation, mind watching, requires giving up our identification with mind, objectifying it, studying it, realizing it as a powerful tool that enslaves us when we believe it is us.

Joe Bankhead said...

Yes, payment for certain, as you stated, James,and giving up addiction to thought is connected in my view. Learning to be clear on the difference between "thinking about" and actually "being awake," is critical, and the price is a certain kind of "effort," which if done appropriately and effectively, hardly seems like a "price" in the usual sense of "hard, difficult, effort." Giving up addiction to thought is highly valuable, not easy, and seems a fairly advanced stage, and it also does not mean abdicating the practical, intelligent use of your mental equipment. It perhaps means using it in a more conscious, present, aware way. said...

Pausing to think, Joe, I wonder: is thought my cosmic river keeping my life pulsating.

Without a single thought wouldn't my life or me not exist at all?

So much around me, like thought itself, is invisible, and thought links what is invisible with what my eyes can see.

Yet there is thought and there is thought, so I think and as I thinkist so am I (or should more accurately say I as I thinkist so I am?

Reviewing some very old notes in a binder I just pulled down from a shelf that I once took from various publication and this one inparticular called Second Chance I steal, think about, paraphrase, revise thoughts from the river:

Standing on the shore I look out to sea, shall I say to see. This ocean is real within the boundaries of its nature.

However beyond this reality of nature there is a greater, wider natural state. It is a different state of spirit essence and probably before the formation of forms.

As there is thought and there is thought there is a range of awakeness, joy, sorrow, etc. And our thoughts and approaches have there effects.

Pat Christian

Joe Bankhead said...

I do not think Pat, that thought is your cosmic river, I think thought is your mechanical, associative mechanism that keeps your attention somewhere other that you might intentionally choose to place it. I don't think anyone is saying you won't have thoughts, or don't think. When you are attached to, or identified with your thoughts, thinking it is really -I-, you are imprisoned by this machine we normally call "I."

James Westly said...

Any person whose percentage of attention focused Here/Now hovers around or below 50% is mind dominated. If the metaphor of mind as computer has any validity, then we can say such a person is running on auto-pilot. 50% is the average response to the question: "What percentage of your Attention is focused Here/Now?"

Gurdjieff described Higher Consciousness as Awakening from the dream of automatic existence, of multitasking our attention outside the Moment, failing to see things as they are, following our mind based ego, ignoring or enslaving our Consciousness.

It is a simple shift from the slavery of mind dominating Consciousness to the Freedom of mind being in service to Consciousness. Then the Mind becomes the exquisite tool of reality creation which it always has been. "Let thine eye be single" in the scriptures refers to this practice. When our Consciousness is fragmented by thought, each of the fragments is making a contribution to a chaotic reality. When mind serves Present Moment Focus the conbination is invincible.

Darlene said...

Hello Bloggers

I'm a friend of Joe Bankhead in Salt Lake City. Regretfully, I have to inform those close to Joe on this blog (which he ironically forwarded to me last night) passed away this morning. I'm still in a state of shock, so there is little I can add at this time.


Star said...

Bloggers -

Yes - We will miss our good friend and sillyosopher Joe Bankhead.

I received the phone call a few minutes ago. Apparently Joe pulled up to the Coffee Garden at 6:30 this morning, but when he did not come in by around 9 am, someone went to check on him and he had passed out. Apparently he was working on his computer and maybe the battery went dead. He started up the motor home and apparently succumbed to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. This is not confirmed.

I saw him just last night after 9 pm playing chess at the Coffee Garden. He looked as happy as could be.

We will all miss our good friend Joe.

Star *

robert evan howard said...

In regards to gas, on Science Friday “ 6-1-07 “, it was found that Aluminum oxide and Gallium efficiently released HYDROGEN.

Science Friday
635 Mass. N. W.
Washington, D.C.

Thank you,
Robert Evan Howard

John said...

Joe Bankhead was an original in living his life on his own terms and sharing his lifelong pursuit of "X" with all of his many friends and acquaintances!

I had the pleasure of talking to Joe a couple of days ago and I am thankful for the many hours we spent together. He introduced me to many wonderful people and ideas and I am very grateful!

His exiting was characteristic of Joe's success at doing the things he loved.

Live by the motorhome die by the motorhome!

May he live forever!!!

Unknown said...

Gone from My Sight - I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean, She is an object of beauty and strenght. I stand and watch her until at lenght she hangs like a spead of white clud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says "There, she is gone!"

"Gone where?"

Gone from my sight. That is all. He is just as large in mast and hull and spar as he was when he left my side and he is just as able to bear his load of living freight to his destined port.

His diminished size is in me, not in him. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: There, he is gone! there are other eyes watching him coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: "Here he comes!"

And that is dying!

My tears are for me, My friend, you shall be missed in this earthly place. Your words of wisdom, your laughter, your sharing and caring shall always ring in my heart. Sail on in God's Grace - (and may you now always win every chess game!) Your loving friend, lana

James Westly said...

You were, for me, the embodiment of an ideal, the challenge of living on the edge with Awareness. A Wanderer whose roots were in the people who he touched and Loved.

For me, who practices and teaches such notions, you are a demonstration of living in-the-moment. You are my Hero. I bow before your example of True Humility.

For we spiritual types, death is a joyous event, a re-merging with All That Is. We practice for this moment. I know deeply you are Awake, Aware and Ecstatic!! Still doing Life with joy and lightness.

I salute your journey and the gifts you have left us.

Star said...

Joe's sons are planning a service for Joe and will have information for everyone tomorrow, Sunday, after 1 pm. They say Joe's earthly remains are at the Goff Mortuary. I will post any information here as soon as I get it.

Star *

Paully said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
silvercity said...

My Goodness. Among other things Joe and I agreed with the Buddhist concept of impermanence. My Mother passed away May 16th after having lived with my wife and I this past three years. Joe told me that he too cared for his Mother in her Twilight and he was a great help to me in this endeavor. I just picked up my Mothers ashes and come home to hear of his passing. Sail on Sweetly Capt. Bankhead. Thank you for your gifts. My condolences to his Family. Much Love, Wayne

MissJaymzlinn said...

I am Joe's wayward 2nd cousin.
He was a very bright light in my life. One can not choose the family we have in this life, but I would have chosen Joe of this was possible. It was a true blessing to not have to make such a choice, and to be given such a gift as Cousin Joe in this lifetime......I am now left with memories and paintings which I shall always cherish.
Farewell Joe.
I hope your enjoying your newfound freedom and lightness.
I hope you find what you always sought on the other side of the veil.
I hope you beat the pants of Gurdjeff in a thrilling game of Chess.
Come and haunt me if you want to, and maybe I will be able to get OOB and visit with you for a while....I will be looking for you on my next 'outing'...........
You were a very lovable person in this life, and you brought beauty and laughter to many peoples hearts & homes.
Thank you for leaving us all with this blog, so that we may carry on with spreading conscious love & freedom.


MissJaymzlinn said...

It just dawned on me that Joe passed during
~~The Blue Moon~~

Jason Bankhead said...


During the last few days I have spoken with most of you via email or on the phone. I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your support during this difficult time. It is very apparent that my father had a lot of important people in his life that cared deeply for him.

Our family would like to invite you to the service to share in memories of Joe in his life.

The service will be held at:
Goff Mortuary
8090 South State Street
Murry, UT.

on Wednesday the 6th day of June
From 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM

During our conversations several of you have expressed the desire to send flowers or cards or help to pay for the services. This is not necessary but if you would like to extend something to the family please send them to
Jason Bankhead
1999 South Richards Street
SLC, UT 84115

Once again thank you all for your support in this difficult time. I have attached a picture of Joe for you to remember him as he was. Please forward this email to anyone I might have missed.

Thank you,

The Bankhead Family

Jessie said...

On a Certain Stubbornness

My last encounter with Joe was on Sunday, when I called him to invite him to a new movie ”Away From Her”. He declined, as I thought he might, citing a number of reasons from lack of hearing to resisting watching people suffer problems related to ageing, even if the people were beautiful and the story well-told. I countered his protestations, but failed to convince him that an afternoon at the movies with me could be more pleasurable than a chess game, or talking philosophy at the coffee shop. In the end, we agreed that I wouldn’t issue future movie invitations, not realizing that for one of us, the future was an eye blink from the end game.
Joe stubbornness was often peppered with a liberal dousing of argumentativeness. Perhaps those characteristics were needed in order for him to shape his life to his terms. He valued his independence and died with it uncompromised.
Joe believed in being positive and upbeat and he practiced what he preached Many people took pleasure in his journals, his colorful, impressionistic art, his original tarot deck and his conversations on philosophy. I especially enjoyed his accounts of the people he met in his travels. His eyes sometimes filled with tears when he told stories that demonstrated courage and generosity, or when he felt pride in his sons.
It’s hard for me to believe we won’t be talking on the phone, or meeting for a meal (but not a movie). Whatever we experienced as friends, the debates and arguments and laughs and reading aloud and the shared insights all belong to a time now labeled “past”. Joe would encourage us to leave it there, and love the person sitting across from us in the coffee shop. He’d encourage us to call that stranger “friend” and invite him or her to play a game… preferably one that involved strategy and took time and many moves. He might also encourage us, if we were touched by something, to pull out some paper and pen or paints and render that moment in color on canvas or with words.
Today, there was no Joe around not to invite to the movies, so I went alone. I imagined a conversation with him about a friend who’d just died. He would take the position that brief mourning was appropriate and I’d say one should feel deeply whatever sadness came along for as long as one felt it. We’d have a spirited discussion, stopping just short of argument; a skill we were honing before he quit the game.
Joe called everyone “friend” and I’d counter with something like. ”You don’t even know him. You see him once in a while at the Coffee Garden.” Then, he would accommodate me by calling me “Old Friend”. We’ll remember you Joe, you old sillyosopher, and artist and journal writer. Happy Trails, Old Friend.


Paul Appelbaum said...

I’m pissed. My dear vagabond friend, Joe Bankhead, is gone and I already badly miss him. He kept me informed about all of you without my effort to do it on my own plus jolted me at times to stay awake.

My first blog ever - was written by hand and left in Gloria’s in-box at the office to send on my behalf – It dealt with ribbing Joe on his love of the Utah Jazz, but the note was overlooked and not sent - so the jokes on me.

But the anger I feel has naught to do with that silly effort towards humor but I found myself angry at X for not awaking Joe to his imminent danger. I guess when enough time has passed I will accept Lana's beautiful words about coming & going – however I’m not bright or conscious enough to accept it all right now. Yes good friends I know “what is” is and we are taught to look for the good in all things but I sure don’t have to like what I see in this lesson. However, when I get through feeling sorry for myself maybe I’ll awaken again.

I join all of you in your prays for Joes safe journey to wherever that might be.

Paul Appelbaum

SufferTheChildren said...

My eight year old son asked me, just this week (with no previous discussion on my part about life after death, reincarnation, etc......we are not religious).....anyway, he asked me:
"Mama, when I die, and I come back in another body.......will I come back to the same family?" He was clearly worried about it.
What I told him:
"Sweetheart, we're all attracted to the people we're attracted to. Birds of a feather flock together. Great minds think alike." I talked to him some more about how people who mean something to one another always have a way of finding each other. And my favorite, even Einstein being of the mind that, "Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.", and Einstein having a great faith in (at least) a Collective Conscious, despite being a Scientist......
it all adds up.
And hence, we should all take comfort.
There is a theory that grief is the ability to feel someone's presence, without being able to see, hear, or feel them physically. They are they, but yet not. For those who are is only because Joe is near you, but you can not see him, or give him a big hug right now.
We all will encounter this transition, at some point.
It is so beautiful, to live life to the every day like it may be your last. Love largely, speak kindly, step softly, rage intensely (when it comes to the issues you care about).
Life is beautiful.
Joe lives on.
And on.
And on.
And on.
We remember and honor him.
He carries our essence with him, as well.
Life is beautiful.
It is not for naught.

frank said...

Got home from New Hampshire last night, and there was a phone message from Star.... and I realized my life would never be the same again. Unlike many who have known Joe for years, I only knew Joe Bankhead - DHK (doctor of human knowledge) for 2 years. Yet those warm weather months of early morning coffee at the Coffee Garden were some of the best moments of my day. Listening to Joe talk about his life, his art, his love of chess, his winter travels, his knowledge of Gurgieff, Ken Wilber, 'Dr. Bob', and many other modern thinkers was always fascinating as well as enlightening. Joe was truly a unique individual, and I'm sure he touched many lives like mine. I also enjoyed sharing my life and passions with him and I knew he cared deeply about me and all those who also knew him. I'll still go to the Coffee Garden in the morning, and I'll imagine Joe sitting in the corner by the window - head phones on, working on his computer or underlining passages in a book he's reading, or chatting with a friend, or engaged in a chess game.... and I'll remember how he touched my life - albeit briefly. Joe would always complete his newsletters with "Be well, friend!" Well, here's to you, Joe. Be well, friend! said...

Good bye Joseph
Travel beautifully
Journey far said...

Good bye Joseph
Travel beautifully
journey far

Unknown said...

The world needs more people like Joe Bankhead. It's less of a world without them. I for one will miss him terribly.

Roger Greenawalt said...

Hi All:

It occurs to me that Joe and Dr. Bob are having a great time together again and are looking to see what we will do next.

Someday, all of us who know them both will have the same warm, wonderful experience. Until then, Love to them both.

Let's carry on for them.


One Kind Action said...

Here's a letter from Joe. I hope the family doesn't mind. I just heard the news today.

As Dr Bob would say, "Well, that's what happened to Joe."

Now, for a little known his-story.

From a phone conversation, Joe and I started working on setting up a blog called THE RHONDELL PAGE. It pre-dates this delightful blog.

It's on a free site, but we felt it could maybe be a challenge for folks to navigate and use. We'd set it up for anyone of any orientation to Dr. Bob to comment, post, even pod and chat. With all the different students and ways and locations, we felt that each could contribute an image of Dr. Bob as a container and man could be inspired.

Joe lost his laptop. Then he got a new one. He said he was determined to "master" the mechanics of the THE RHONDELL PAGE--the blog, the pod--and then in the middle of all that, he came up with this lovely blog here on Blogger, within hours, as the Supreme Commander (of conditioned self) with his new laptop!

He was quick to write and say that he didn't mean for this blog, CONSCIOUS LOVE AND FREEDOM, to replace THE RHONDELL PAGE, and so I guess we were going to have them both going together, for the fun.

After an appropriate time, if anyone here would like to visit THE RHONDELL PAGE, go to (You will get to sign up if you'd like to contribute)

And Joe was quick to point out that there's alot of really great Dr.Bob sites out there now too! Christine Thompson's, Marsha Summers, and a few great Gurdjeff sites.

If this is an advertisement for THE RHONDELL PAGE, then you must know that it's the sickest sense of humor in the West!

There isn't any one moderater of THE RHONDELL PAGE at this time, no one Supreme Commander Dude, there are 3 people as moderators--Joe one of them--it's still embryonic.

We haven't yet sent out invitiations to others to join in the blog and the pod. Still checking it out. You are welcome to check it out with us.

It's the contents that matter, not the container. It will remain up until which time it's appropriate to move on from it. I felt it a duty to mention this here.

Thanks for all the Gurdjeff with Joe comics, and the laughs, and wise-sly-sillyness of Silyosophy! Thank you. And my deepest condolences.

I have intended to e-mail or call you. This blog-site came together
within hours, and it took a few hours to e-mail my list about it. I am
not intending it to be any kind of replacement for "your" Rhondell
page, this is more "general" but I do hope you will participate as
much as possible. Yes, one of the things I like about the
"" setup is its apparent ease of use. Already have about 8
posts, 1 from of Gurdjieff long-timer from Switzerland.
All is good,
thank you,
Joe said...

I checked out the Rhondell page. Not yet sure what to make of it or its local relevance to 9th and 9th, Joe's page or me. I'll ponder.

Right now I sit at the table that Joe often sat. I'm content enough but feel for a while it will be a diminished corner. Seems expectable yet eery that life seems to go on. Of course that is the way it will be, as Joe goes on where he goes. It seems only logical to my thinking that it is a bilateral concept. The classical piano piece seems more melancoly than it would probably otherwise be.

Pat Christian

Unknown said...

Like everyone else, I am stopped in my tracks to learn of Joe's passing. Better to think of it as what Joe would call it - a transformation.

I have a dream vision to share that came to me two days ago. There is a bit of Joe Bankhead in the dream. I had the intention of posting it on the blog this morning as my first contribution to the blog.

I gave it the title, "Become as a Child."

There is a wilderness lake at the foot of a steep mountain. The waters are a light aquamarine blue, and are as clear as crystal. The people of the mountain hold these waters sacred. You can see the people bathing in the calm water near the shoreline, giving and receiving blessing.

At the top of the mountain where everyone lives their daily lives there are great rock-hewn steps that lead down the mountain to the lake, far below. A long, arduous pilgrimage must be made to reach the sacred waters of the lake. The mountain is solid rock and there are tens-of-thousands of steps cut from living stone. Pilgrims make there way down cautiously, slowly, but not without anticipation for the magnificent goal that awaits them below. I'm one of the pilgrims. I have a long rope tied up above and I use the rope to help me descend the enormous rock ledges that make up the steps. There's also a steel rail that I can steady myself with. Eventually the rail ends, but the journey has barely begun. I have another very long length of rope that I can tie to the first one as I descend. I accidentally drop the extra coil of rope and I cannot retrieve it. This disturbs me.

Finally I reach the end of the first rope. I must climb down the steps without it. The way is becoming steeper and the footing less sure. Everyone is having difficulty. I reach a point where I can go no further. The mountain is near vertical. It's a long way down to the bottom. The steps have become narrow and less defined. Fear overcomes me as I look down the steep face of the mountainside. I'm not alone as I give up the pilgrimage and begin to climb back up to safety.

But I look back down and I see this lone child - a young girl of about 10 years - still making her way down with a beaming smile on her face. The descent is fun for her! She sits on the edge of each narrow step and slides down to the next, perfectly easily and safe. There's a joy in her heart as she slides down each step, sitting comfortably to rest whenever she desires. But I turn back to the climb up to where we all know there is safety and security. On the way up we meet others who have just begun the journey down and we tell them that the way is closed, not safe, that it is impossible to get to the lake at the bottom.

I awake at this point and am amazed. We've all ignored the little girl who is still venturing down to the sacred waters! How could I be so blinded by fear and propriety? I’m amazed by the imagery and the feelings that still course their way through my head as I look out my window into the dark night, before I go back to sleep.

When I logged onto the blog this morning only to discover that Joe Bankhead has left on his journey, I could not help but think of him just as I remember the image of that child, gleefully making her way down to the cool, clear, sacred waters of the spirit realm while the adults who 'knew better' had given up the journey.

Joe had this quality of the 'child's mind' and it served him - and all of the rest of us - well.

My best regards to all of you, friends of Joe Bankhead. And Joe, it’s been fun, hasn’t it?

shenayda linda deane said...

I hear your laugh and see your half smile ,friend,chess teacher,speaker of wisdom and truth.
34 yrs seems like a day we will talk again "fly like an eagle"

One Kind Action said...

Hey Pat,

Thanks for checking it out. Like I said, Joe worked to figure out how to navigate it, then went off and made this blog in a couple of hours in a flow of inspiration.

As I saw it then, and see it (my two cents) all second force to the contribution of this truly wonderful blog.

The R. Page will stay up for awhile, at least honor that.

And what do I know? I can hardly figure out how to navigate the page myself!

(Maybe you'll come up with a cool blog, man)

Peace and blessings to the family today, and all friends. I'm sure it was as much as a shock for him as anyone else!

Thanks and Love


Robindee said...

The following is a story I wrote about Joe that will be published in the next issue (June 15) of The Thunder here in Jemez Springs, New Mexico.....

An Ode to Joe

Joe Bankhead called. He is in Albuquerque and will be in the Jemez in a few hours. Joe wants to know if we can meet when he gets here. Well, what an unexpected surprise! Joe is here in the Jemez in the middle of March! I never know when he is coming through town. There is always something new to see and learn from this "sillyosopher" so, I always look forward to visits from Joe! We set a time to meet for dinner at Los Ojos.

After hugs and greetings, the first thing Joe does when we sit down at the table is reach into a bag and hands me his current newsletter.... A Journal of A Wanderer On the Highways & Byways of the West - No. 00105. At dinner, Joe is filled with stories of his latest travels. He talks about old friends and new friends that he has met along the way. As usual, Joe has a stack of books he is currently reading. I scan through them and the one that draws my attention is a book called ONE - Essential Writings of Nonduality by Jerry Katz. I write down the publisher's information on the March issue of Joe's newsletter. I want to read more of that book.

You may wonder, "Who is Joe Bankhead and why am I writing about him?" Well, there is a reason and I will get to it at the end of this story. In the meantime, here is a short description that Joe wrote about himself on his new "blog" site called Conscious Love & Freedom: WAKE UP .

"I have been studying and learning everything I could find about the Total Human Being for more years than I want to admit. Also been a newsletter, book writer, and publisher for many years, as well as an accomplished painter, illustrator, cartoonist, and semi-professional chess player. I have even been known to refer to myself as a “Sillyosopher,” rather than a philosopher, because I have learned that genuine, effective, transformational work, is enjoyable, light, and pleasant, or it is not effective. If it is heavy and serious, it is just re-solidifying all the old patterns and structures, which genuine transformation leads to weakening and even dissolving". Joe Bankhead

If you live in the Jemez area, you may have seen Joe and may even know him, personally. Besides being a writer and a challenging chess partner, Joe is also a "One Man Art Show". If you are ever in Deb's Deli, Consetta's or some of the other businesses in the Jemez, there is some of Joe's artwork hanging on the walls. Joe loved painting the establishments in small towns that he visited all over the western United States. There is also a postcard available, for purchase, of the buildings on the main street of Jemez Springs that Joe painted several years ago. You may recognize these paintings when you see them.

You may also recognize Joe by the "motorhome" he drives. Over the years, Joe has driven many vehicles....mostly vans and motorhomes....because he lives and travels in them. So, when I first met Joe in 2002, he was driving a Chinook. He was parked in the lot next to Los Ojos with a table set up and several easels displaying his artwork. A friend introduced us and from that time til now, I always have dinner with Joe when he is in town. Joe always shares his experiences and his wisdom and knowledge, not only with those he visits, but in the many books and articles he has penned over the years. Of course, I have several of Joe's books in my library collection.

While living in the Chinook, Joe altered it to look like an adobe home, ladders included. Actually, most of the alterations were made to help hold Joe's abode together! But, it sure suited the artist that dwelled within! It was always fun to see the new additions to this vehicle. A couple of years ago, the Chinook made it's final trip on the "Highways and Byways" and very soon thereafter, Joe was gifted with a larger vehicle to call "home". The "Dolphin". This is the type of guy Joe is......always a "giver" and so, in return, he "receives".

Jumping now to April, 2007. I get a phone call from Joe. He is in his home turf of Salt Lake City, Utah. He is excited about his just seeing the movie "Wild Hogs" that was filmed primarily in New Mexico. He wonders if I have seen it, yet? I tell him, "No", but, I am planning on it. He describes some of the scenery and buildings he recognized in the movie from his travels in the Southwest. Joe knows New Mexico better than I do. He is excited about this movie. We talk for a while longer and I ask him when he will be back in the Jemez. He tells me he isn't sure. He is considering a spring trip to California and then, maybe, up the coast to Washington state. He goes where his wheels take him. I wish him a safe journey.

Surprise! Upon receiving Joe's newsletter No. 00107, sent from Salt Lake on May 17, 2007, Joe informs his readers that he has purchased ...for a very affordable "almost new" laptop computer. Joe is excited! He can now begin traveling in "cyber-space" once again! His former laptop died a little over a year ago, so this is a real "treat"! He is like a kid in a candy store!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007......I receive an e-mail from Joe. It is a "group" e-mail sent out to his e-mail address book entries. He invites everyone to participate in a new "blog" site that he has created....the one I mentioned above.... I think that this is another outlet for Joe to keep "connected" to his vast community of friends. No surprise here! This is truly Joe! Always reaching out! I am considering accepting the invitation.

Friday, June 1, 2007.....After arriving home from dinner at Los Ojos, I check my e-mail messages before going to bed. There is a message from Jason Bankhead, one of Joe's sons. Funny.....I know about Jason, but I have never talked to him before. I open his e-mail. His message says, "I am Joe's son. Please call me". What could it be? Even though it is after 10pm, I dial Jason's number in Salt Lake. He doesn't answer, so I leave a message. Within five minutes, my phone rings. It is Jason. He tells me he has some sad news about his dad. I can tell Jason is very emotional. I ask him what is wrong. He tells me that Joe died that morning... in his motorhome..... from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. At the time of our conversation, all Jason knew was that his dad was waiting for his favorite coffee shop in Salt Lake, the Coffee Garden, to open at 6:30am. While waiting, Joe started the motor in the Dolphin. Jason was unsure as to why his dad had started the motor as the weather had been warm in Salt Lake, but maybe, it was to charge the battery in his laptop? And, why were there fumes inside the motorhome? When Joe didn't come into the Coffee Garden by 9am, the owner went to check on Joe and found him.

Wow! I am in shock! After listening to Jason and letting him share his feelings......still so fresh.......I tell him that I will do anything I can to help him during this time. I will make phone calls to the people here in the Jemez that had a connection to Joe. I will make sure that something is put into "The Thunder" so that Joe can be remembered by those who knew him and cared deeply for him. And, for those who didn't know Joe, at least by reading this story, you might feel like you did know him for a little while.

And, for these reasons, this is why I have written this story about Joe Bankhead. I am not a writer. I am not an artist. I am not a philosopher. I am not a chess player. I am just a friend of Joe's. A friend who loved him and will miss him tremendously! Joe touched my life as he did many others. and I am grateful for the short time that I have known Joe and have had the opportunity to share this time in our lives together.

I have read some of the latest blogs on Joe's new site. I am amazed at how this blog site has become sort of a memorial to if he "KNEW". Well, of course he did!
"Be well, Friend!"

Much love,

Daniel said...

Hey Joe!

Hey Joe! This acknowledgement may seem rather slow. I just got it today that you woke up and realized "you" were "dead". That's not bad at all for the way you checked out. The carbon monoxide thing is just like falling asleep. What's it been? Five days here in linear time. Yup. Just a nodding out and then at some point waking up in a different reality. Indeed, an abrupt change of state! Old Buddy, remember to follow the Light! In nodding out now, it can be a slam dunk right back into another womb, although you're going to be back soon anyway. Stay out there gathering your Self together for as along as possible and of course you will get a much better birth next time around. Kind of difficult to do, I know, when you no longer have a physical body to breathe. " I am a point of attention, centered in a field of awareness", is a great mantra to repeat. Simply find yourself there, centered, centered, centered. You ARE your ability to pay attention. There you go, Joe. You've got it. Gently hold it. Relaxed and yet firm. Right there! Right now! Just simply BE. It's OK to lose it. It's OK to not.

I remember back in'92 in the conception days of the Lizard a knock on the door. "Are you the new owner of this place?" someone called Joe something or other asks. "That I Am." says I. "When you open I was wondering if I could sell some of my artwork here." Well, what kind of art do you have? Watercolors mostly, some prints and a few originals. "Let's see what you you've got."

This guy Joe proceeds to open a cheap looking portfollio and starts to leaf through it. "Rather mediocre stuff." I'm thinking as a variety of paintings go floating by. WHOA! Did you do this one?, I ask. " Do you know Mr. G?" Joe counters. "Indeed I do.' I say.And so began a long and very interesting relationship with one called Joe "First Bank of Head" Bankhead.

..................more to follow....

Belle said...

It has been two days since I heard from friends in Boulder, CO about what happened to Joe. I'm still heartbroken. This blog has become a way to stay close to Joe and to honor his presence in our lives. It's funny, when Joe emailed me that he had established the blog, I wrote back that I was not much of a blogger, but I was very happy to hear from him and wanted to hear more. Now, here I am posting this on his blog. I think it is an amazingly powerful and possitive use of the Internet and I think Joe would be pleased. His blog continues.
I may be the farthest away friend of his. I live in New Jersey, but I met Joe in Boulder when I lived there for about five years. This is my Joe story.
When we met, he told me that he had been a Mormon and when he did his missionary work, at about age 19, he was sent to Monmouth County New Jersey. Since that is where I had come from, it connected us immediately. He told me that he had never lived outside of a Mormon community and was amazed to find that there were good people who were not Mormon. He also met an artist here, named JIm Avati. I too knew Jim briefly years earlier. When Joe found out that I was an amateur watercolorist, he suggested that we paint together. So once a week or so we would jump in my car and look for beautiful scenes to paint. He taught me some of his tricks. On our last excursion together, I took a picture of him sitting on a rock painting the flatirons from Chattaqua Park. It is a wonderul memory for me because I was fully awake that day and for an hour or so lost myself in the moment of capturing my feelings about those foothills. Joe and I both finished our paintings at the same time. For the first time, I felt that the teacher and I had merged, New Jersey and Utah had become one in Colorado.

Phil Davis said...

Phil from ZDocs here. James let me know about your new blog. We have an author/consultant named Dr. Bill Guillory who has a very successful blog. I think you might find what Bill talks about interesting. His site is Part of blogging is socializing and if you like what Bill writes, you may want to leave him a message and strike up a dialogue. Take care Joe and hope to see you in ZDocs this summer.


Unknown said...

To: All The Friend's of Joe - Joe's sons are driving the Dolphin to Jemez Springs to sprinkle his ashes. They will be there Sat. June 9 afternoon & Sun 10 late morning. They invite anyone in the area to come and visit with them, have a last look and share their favorite story with them. Those of us from Albuquereque will be coming up Sun and would like to visit with his friends. Joe's Dolphin will be parked at the Los Ojos Restaurant & Bar which is on the main street (you can't miss it) on the east side of the street going east. Look forward to sharing our moment's of Joe with each other. lana

Unknown said...

****should read last look at his art - (some may be for sale)

Ellen S. said...

I am so saddened by Joe's death. I just found out today when I checked my email and received the news from friends in Boulder, Colorado. I only knew Joe "sporadically" when he showed up there, but always looked forward to his visits and discussions at the local coffeehouse. His newsletters and little cartoons were a delight. I just can't imagine never seeing him again - even though I moved to Mexico I always thought I'd catch up with him somewhere again - some coffee house in Texas or New Mexico. For those of you who were close friends and his family, my deepest condolences, for Joe was a good as it gets.

Ellen Snyder
San Miguel de Allende, Mex.

David Peterson said...

Good-bye Joe, until we meet again. I didn't get to see enough of your art. I hope some one posts some. Too bad we missed painting together. We will get a chance yet. Travel well.

One Kind Action said...

Here's one tiny example of only one of Joe's illustrations.

This for a children's book.

(I supposed you will get to cut and
paste the "url"-above--into the top slot in your browser window)

Hope it works!

Thank you

Unknown said...

Reflecting upon the events of this incredible day, i am awed and overwhelmed. Such a sense of peace, and love and harmony filled my being.
As Joe's ashes were spread at the base of a mighty cottonwood tree, a beautiful Indian prayer was expressed by Daniel Dragon Dancer, Blessed South African beads were offered by Robin and given by a friend unknown to Joe.
The Oneness of the Spirit showing forth in the mighty oak - its majestic appearance, branches reaching to the sky, the mass of green foilage filling the space between the branches and the sky, gently waving in the soft breeze against the backdrop of the sheer red rock cliffs. That same Spirit which is Joe, that same Spirit which is Jason Scott and Paul, Joe's son's and Joe's two beautiful grandchildren - and that same Spirit which is you and which is me, an experience of no separation from Spirit. WE ARE ALL ONE -what an awe!
In that realization, i wondered if that is Consciousness Love - the Total Love given by Spirit - manifested as substance and form - each unique individual expression of the Spirit - and in that comes Freedom. The Freedom to be, the Freedom to love, and the Freedom to express that which comes from our inner being.
Joe was, to me. such a demonstration - unique- individual - but not separate.
May your Spirit soar, as it abides within us always. . .love lan

Belle said...

Thanks you so much Lana - I feel as thought I was there! Belle

Renee Shaw said...

Hi Fellow freinds of Joe!
I am an artist from Salt Lake and have been working on a documentary about artists showing in public places and Joe is one of the Artists featured in the film. A trailer of the film showing Joe in the park

Renee Shaw said...

Whoops, I acidently posted before I was finished! Footage of Joe's interview while painting in the park can be seen at I would also like to know if there will be a wake in Utah. I'd like to show the footage if there is. I live by Liberty Park and looked forward to seeing Joes Dolphin show up each spring at the Park. I will miss him at the farmers market. Love Ya Joe!


Paul Appelbaum said...

Soon after Joes untimely departure one of you wrote about completing Joe's last incomplete journal.

Can you give us an update on this subject as to when we might be receiving it.

Paul A

Anonymous said...

Dearest Friend

Wherever that you are oh Wander of Spirit, even in your dying our connection is felt and still remembered.

I recall well, your enthusiastic heart and determined courage to "Be", to travel , to teach, to learn, and to listen with all the colors of gratitude; even your laughter will ring on.

By choosing acceptance of each moment you have created a life worth living for yourself and for many. Wander of Spirit, you now have become like the wind.

You will be loved even as my Life moves along more brightly, inspired by the years of learning that we spent together.

I feel freer and more connected to God because of the sharing moments we had.

You are all the colors of your Paintings, and all the love of words written and mailed to those that your life touched.

I will always think of you, the book "life's word", and your teacher Robert Gibson, with the deepest gratitude and with peace.

Blessings be with you beloved friend. I will always be healthier and happier because our path's crossed - Thank you!

One Kind Action said...



The container, the man, Dr. Robert "Rhondell" Gibson, was a living demonstration of the profound Science Of Man Teachings which he taught to a large number of people so masterfully. I met the man about 30 years ago and had considerable contact with him in person and in group workshops. He always came across as a friend, interested in working with anyone who indicated a genuine desire to work. If you expressed an interest in having him work with you, you would likely be introduced to aspects of yourself you perhaps did not like or even realize very clearly existed, and this was not always pleasant, sometimes even painful. He was totally committed to his Work on himself and with other people, and the endless hours he spend with people on the phone and in person could never be counted.

To many he was "doctor", "healer", "counsellor", to some "friend", "business consultant", and the list could go on. To me he was "teacher". He assisted in getting my feet firmly planted on the path of self-discovery through objective self-observation and awareness. He was always available as a gentle and sometimes not so gentle reminder, through his words and actions, and left such a marvellous legacy of recorded writings and talks.

Very grateful to have been privileged to know and work with this most remarkable gentleman.

One Kind Action said...


I am with "this one" to the extent that what Dr. Bob, Robert, Rhondell Gibson was not about was attracting attention to "the container." He was interested in having people genuinely work with "the contents" and benefiting from their experimenting and experience. I think he would go along with it if he thought people would be attracted enough to get involved in studying the work and applying, learning, experimenting and seeing the results, which often are so marvellous. Seems to be a fine line between being genuine, and really doing the work, and being too "serious", and taking it all too "seriously." Just "requires a little consciousness to not make anything important and keep the mood up," and be a contributor to Life.
Joe, Sillyosopher, Nurondel


Our regards to Joe's family, both of earth and of the spirit. Thank you.

One Kind Action said...

THE ONE WORLD LAFF OFF is dedicated to Joe Bankhead. Find out more on the next CraniOcean.Calm Newsletter. If anybody is in touch with Joe's family, please forward this onto them. You can get a copy of this by signing up at Otherwise, just check it out, also free, at THANK YOU

But wait! There's MORE to follow:

One Kind Action said...

From this issue of the CraniOcean.Calm Newsletter:

JOE BANKHEAD, Sillyosopher....helped wake me up. I was sad about what was happening to the dolphins in Japan as per our last newsletter, then remembered my old friend Joe. Joe travelled around the great American Southwest in a camper van he had named, "The
Dolphin." He would visit with people at coffee shops, play chess, and discuss the wisdom traditions. He always had his sense of humor, for he felt true transformation was not possible without a frothy helping of humor. Years after suggesting that everyone "Wake Up", he was sleeping at his desk in his camper van when his old gas heater broke, and that was the end of Joe. Yes, it's a tragedy. Yes, it hurts. Yes, it doesn't make any sense. And later I thought, Who would be the first person to laugh about this? Here's a guy telling us to wake up, and he checks out while asleep. Well, JOE!

THE ONE WORLD LAFF OFF is dedicated to the memory of Joe Bankhead, and to all who have experienced the healing and transformative power of laughter for themselves, including dolphins.

Go to to learn more!